The weather is past the point of KazAsster, it's now become a complete
If you tuned in last time for "KazAsster", you know that Kaz had gone to the beach, only to find that it was too cold and windy for sunbathing, swimming or even swimsuit photography. We shot a lot of stills, like the one above, then she decided she felt like a thorough cleaning-out and we got down to business.
The last thing she said, after finishing four enemas in a row, was that she might want to do it again the next day.
And, sure enough, the next day, it was sunny, but cold and windy again, so we grabbed the camcorders while Kaz grabbed a bag.
We love watching the way Kaz lubricates herself so deeply - and for so long!
That first gush always goes in with an "oooooh!"
And she was good to the last drop before she ran for the bath!
We can't show you what she did to our poor bathtub on a publically-accessable website. You'll have to get the video.
And t hat felt so good, she wanted another!
She spends so much time lubing-up and playing in-out with the nozzle, we sometimes wonder when she's ever going to open the clamp.
The first enema created a little more room, so she was able to let the second one flow a little faster.
Watching the bag empty and the girl fill up.
And then there's that look of relief, when it all comes thundering out.
Time for another! One of our viewers gave us an antique Davol Petal fountain syringe that, if you fill it right to the brim, holds just a shade under three quarts. Can our 5-foot-tall munchkin hold it?
Kaz checks the temperature, to be sure it's warm enough, then lets it gush.
You can almost feel the water gushing!
Ohdear! The bag is about 3/4ths empty, but the girl is about 7/8ths full!
We're hearing soft moaning and wishful thinking, here.
But it's not quite empty. Ouch! She almost finished it - but then, she simply had to dash!
The sound effects were excellent! Then, Kaz said, "I want ONE more!"
"And I want that Petal again! This time, I want to see if I can take the whole bag"
She did her best to get comfortable, then let it gush.
It's so nice and warm.
Oh, what a feeling!
In fact, it felt so good, she started spontaneously masturbaging.
It was getting to the point where she couldn't distinguish pleasure from pain.
With about an ounce left in the bag, she opened the clamp and concentrated on bringing herself to an orgasm.
Just as the bag emptied, she came and with the combination of that and the extreme pressure, she got carried away and uncorked! Notice that the water is shooting out of her, not out of the nozzle.
She reached over to close the clamp and realised the bag was empty! We'll give her credit for taking the whole thing, even if she immediately lost an ounce or two on the quilt. It was definitely time to dash before she lost more!
The lovely acoustics of the tile bathroom amplify Kaz's diminuitive thunder.
Now, isn't that a relieved, happy look?
She went out the door to get dressed and didn't make it ten feet down the hallway before she did an abrupt about-face and dashed back to release the rest of the enema.
And the fun's not over yet!
First is a bonus "buttmunch" feature. The term "buttmunch" comes from the way a properly-stimulated anal sphincther clamps down and bites whatever's inserted into it. We haven't lost a finger yet, but she's scared us once or twice.
It's a sort of documentary showing how an enemarotica model limbers up for a video shoot.
It's simple, really - just some stretches and a deep massage.
And, once again, we managed to raise plenty of goosebumps on Kaz's bum!
And there's more!
This video is another one of those "Director's un-Cut" productions. You know how that works: the director can't bear to cut anything, so he includes all the individual un-cut camcorder footage that he used to make the movie.
Here's an example.
. . .. . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . .
CAMERA A . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .CAMERA B
While Cam A was taking the shot on the left, Cam B was taking the shot on the right. Which would you choose?
The director edited some of both Cams together to make the main video scenes, but we're sure that some of you might appreciate the view from Cam A more than that from Cam B - or vice-versa.
What's the solution, then?
Easy - we give you all the raw Cam A and Cam B footage at the end of the feature and let you choose!
Once again, all this buttmunching and bonus footage brings this DVD up to another awesome time of two full hours of Kaz.
Or is that two hours of full Kaz? Nevermind, just enjoy the video!
Time: 2 hours 1 minute
Price: $60.00
Copyright © September 2009
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