The Director's unCut
Jordan is a slim, curvy auburn-haired beauty with "bookish" glasses, who has always been anally-erotic, but had never tried an enema until recently. On this video, you'll see her deflowering enema virgin sequence, then five more enemas!
Actually, if you count scenes, there are seventeen more enemas!
What do we mean by that?
And what is a "Director's unCut"?
Answer: It's when the Director refuses to cut anything! Follow us through...
The Collector uses "A-B Roll Edit" with Camera A handheld and Camera B on a tripod. Sometimes Cam A has the best view, sometimes Cam B. And sometimes Cam A is moving around and the action is blurred. Sometimes the cameraman is walking in front of Cam B. There are lots of reasons to use two cameras.
But it creates a problem - or perhaps an opportunity. What does the director do when Cam A and Cam B both have equally good views?
Here's an example. Which view do you like best?
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With "The Director's unCut", you don't have to decide. You get both.
First, you get what the Director considers the best A/B edit of both, fading between cameras just like in any Collector video. Then you get all the raw Cam A footage, uncut. Then you get all the raw Cam B footage, uncut.
It makes for a whopping 2 hours 33½ minutes of video!
That and digital remastering are the difference between the old "Jordan" DVD and this one.
A lot of extra scenery, for no extra money! Still the popular $60 price!
So, that's what a Director's unCut is. Let's continue with what we said about Jordan the first time....
Jordan had her first enema, using a Davol "Comfy" combination syringe and she said she liked the sensations, so we continued.
Next, we gave Jordan a Davol "Travelfold" amber latex syringe.
Next, we gave Jordan a B. F. Goodrich "Sojourn because she seemed to like amber latex. We figured she could use a bit more cleaning out if she was to go on to "bigger and better" things and by the time she finished that enema, she was, indeed, well cleaned-out!
We figured Jordan was ready for something large, and we mean both the nozzle and the bag. We gave her a Seamless "Nearkid" 2¼-quart fountain syringe with a "Black Bullet" nozzle. She loved the way the "Bullet" warmed up with the flow of the water and she was totally amazed at how full she felt by the time she got that extra ¼ quart in! That was all she could handle on her first day, so we asked her back a week later.
The next time, she wanted to start out with the "Black Bullet". Yes, she really is very anally-erotic! So, we had her get out the "Nearkid" again to see if she could hold 2¼ quarts on her first try and, sure enough, she did, but she was one full girl!
Not one to leave well-enough alone, The Collector gave Jordan a 2½-quart Davol "Paris" fountain syringe and an inflatable retention nozzle to see if she could deal with both. She found the sensation of the nozzle inflating inside her to be quite weird, but likable. The large volume of the "Paris" didn't seem to phase her, either. But when she finished the bag, she didn't remember her instructions to take the whole shabang into the bathroom and remove the nozzle there. Instead, she removed the nozzle from the hose and sprayed herself and the bed with water, necessitating some clean-up while she was on the toilet.
If you like watching anally-erotic enema virgins getting their first taste of the action, then liking it enough to have five more enemas, this video will be a fantastic turn-on for you!
And if you like watching them from any angle you choose, plus getting better resolution and clarity than on even the original Collector DVD, this remastered video is for you!
Time: 2 hours 33 minutes
Price: $60.00
To order, click here
©2001, 2009 The Collector