by The Collector
Just like many of you who are reading this, I have a sexual fetish called "klysmaphilia" (also sometimes spelled "klismaphilia"). The word "Klysmaphilia" comes from the roots "klyster" (enema) and "philia" (liking something).
From talking to many others over the years, I've come to the opinion that my particular case is fairly "average" among klysmaphiliacs. I could call klysmaphilia a "condition" or a "fetish" - the name you hang on it is less important than understanding the condition itself and how it came to be.
From when I was very young until I was approximately 6 or 8 years old, I was, to use the proper terminology, sexually abused by my mother in the following manner: she gave me many, many enemas in a variety of different places, positions and scenarios, but most all of the enemas involved her fondling my genitals. At the time, I was too young to realize this was taboo and because of this, I grew up equating enemas with a pleasurable sexual experience. In fact, not knowing that what my mother was doing to me was abnormal, I simply assumed that everyone liked enemas.
To further cement the idea of enemas being a pleasurable thing, once, when I was about 4 or 5, I happened to walk into the bathroom, only to find my mother lying on the carpet giving herself an enema. I got an eyefull! The scene imprinted itself on my psyche, right down to her position, the type of antique enema equipment she was using and the rather-erotic expression on her face. She didn't even notice I was there, at first! Then, she noticed me and asked me to leave, which I did. Nothing more was said about the incident, except that now and then my mother would say something like, "Could you answer the phone for a while? I'm going upstairs to give myself an enema, so you know what I'll be doing". Having had so many pleasurable enemas myself and having seen the obvious look of pleasure on my mother's face as she administered an enema to herself, you can damn well bet I "knew what she was doing". She was having a good time, that's what! And every time she made a point of telling me what she was about to do, she reinforced my impression of enemas as something both sexual and pleasurable.
And,as is a common thread with many klysmaphiliacs, having been given so many enemas, two things resulted: I was constantly sneaking into the bathroom when my parents weren't around to play with my mother's enema equipment (she had four different syringes and sometimes left one of them hanging out on a hook on the bathroom wall) and I also grew up wanting to "return the favor", so to speak, and give them to, if not my mother, then most any and all attractive women. From the time I became sexually aware around the age of ten-or-so and began masturbating, I never thought of having "normal" sex with the girls I fantasized while masturbating - I always fantasized giving them enemas.
Now, my parents were never very adept at explaining the "birds and bees" to me. In fact, they were downright remiss in teaching me anything whatsoever about sex. This led to the incredible situation where I was actually in Junior High School before I realized there was such a thing as a vagina! No kidding! I assumed, from what I'd seen and heard, that the anus was the center of female sexual pleasure. I knew I had a penis and that I was somehow supposed to use it, but you can guess where I thought it was supposed to be inserted! So, there, in short, is what I assumed "sex" to be as I grew from "age zero" to adolescence. I knew of nothing but enemas and I just assumed that anal sex was the only kind of sex there was. In fact, I assumed that enemas were what women did before and after sex so that things didn't get...er..."messy".
By the time I found out the real ways of the sexual world, I was already stamped, imprinted, impressed and my sexual desires were ingrained, cast in iron, never to be changed through over 30 years of psychotherapy by many different professionals in various locations.
I realize that there's no such thing as an "average" or "typical" klysmaphiliac. Unlike me, a lot of people become klysmaphiliacs later in life. For one reason or another, they came to the realization that they either liked receiving enemas or giving enemas or both. But from what I've read, it would seem that the majority of "klysmos" began their indoctrination in somewhat the same way I did, albeit many became enamoured with enemas without their mother sexually abusing them as mine did me.
It's an indisputable fact that the anus is well-endowed with nerve endings, coming in second only to the genital area. Furthermore, the male prostate gland is adjacent to the rectum, so that any pressure or warmth introduced rectally stimulates the prostate and produces a pleasurable response. Also, while the jury is still out on whether or not there's truly such a thing as a "G-Spot" in roughly the same physical location in females as the prostate gland is in males, many ladies swear it does, indeed, exist and that anal stimulation carries through to the location in the upper back region of the vagina where the G-Spot resides, giving them somewhat the same pleasurable sensation from enemas which the male receives from enemas stimulating the prostate. All of this accounts for the popularity of anal sexplay in one form or another. (When I say "in one form or another", I'm leaving the field wide open and anal sexplay can mean anything from anal-genital intercourse to enemas to dildos to [ahem] gerbal-stuffing.) The point here is that many people enjoy anal sexplay of one sort or another and enemas are merely one manifestation of the desire to have something going on back there that feels good.
Despite the overwhelming number of people who enjoy some form of anal-erotic sexplay, for some reason, enemas seem to be a bit more taboo than straight anal sex. You would think that if someone was open-minded enough to want something stuck up there in the first place, they wouldn't discriminate against any one particular form of play, if it happened to feel good. But such is the case and, many times, someone who would think nothing of having anal intercourse with their sexual partner wouldn't ever consider playing with enemas. Even so, klysmaphilia is much more common than many people think. The main reason people don't realize how common it is is because it's simply not discussed much in polite company (for obvious reasons). Enemas aren't quite your average dinner table or singles bar topic of conversation. Therefore, not too many people, other than klysmaphiliacs themselves, know a lot about it.
There is a quite a bit of medical and psychological literature concerning klysmaphilia available to someone interested-enough to dig for it (and believe me, I'm interested enough). Use your internet search engine sometime to look up the works of one Joanne Danko, MD. She's the therapist who coined the word "Klysmaphilia" and her case histories make interesting reading.
To quote Dr. Danko concerning some of her many case histories:
"Use of enemas for sexual stimulation has been observed and named klismaphilia. Some klismaphiliacs indulge their taste for enemas in otherwise normal sexual settings. Others combine it with fetishes, excretory and otherwise, or with masturbation. Still others practice klismaphilia in homosexual or sadomasochistic settings or in group sex. 'Like a cold Coke on a hot day when you're not thirsty - it's still satisfying', is the sensation described by an habitue of klismaphilia (klysma-Gr. for enema; philia-Gr. for to love.) In a case study of the unusual sexual behavior of taking enemas to induce sexual response, the practice seemed the inevitable result of a pathogenic childhood environment. This included excessive and prolonged administration of enemas by the mother and orientation by both parents to the enema as a way of life. A second case is quite different in that the practice developed only in middle adult years, during a period of great stress, and then, apparently, under the tutelage of a sexual partner." ..........
Dr. Danko goes on, and her dissertations make interesting reading, but without getting into esoteric and arcane literature, let me boil it down to a few salient points which seem to be, if not universal, at least fairly common among many of the other klysmaphiliacs I've spoken to or corresponded with:
1. There has never been a recorded case of a klysmaphiliac's being "cured" of their desires. They are ingrained for life. In this sense, it's like being gay (and only in this sense, because klysmos come in both gay and straight incarnations). But once a "klysmo", always a "klysmo" - there's no "cure". (And most wouldn't want to be "cured" if they could be!)
2. My case seerms to be fairly typical of the experiences which cause both male and female klysmaphiliacs to become who and what they are. And, yes, there are plenty of female klysmaphiliacs.
3. Again, this is not universal, but for the most part, klysmaphiliacs enjoy both giving and getting enemas, as well as having anal sex.
4. They usually function quite normally in all other aspects of their sexual makeup. Just as one "for instance", male klysmaphiliacs tend to have the normal male voyeuristic interest in visual erotica; however, in their case, it's usually enema erotica rather than the usual Playboy and Penthouse stuff. And lots of enema pictures and videos exist, which proves there's a large market for the stuff.
5. Klysmaphiliacs are, for the most part, not copraphiliacs. There are, of course, exceptions, but for the most part, klysmos are not into touching or playing with feces. To be sure, many klysmos are corpralagniacs (those who love to see the feces being expelled out of someone who's just been given an enema) and many even like to see it being forcefully splattered about the landscape, but I've not met too many who were ready to dive in and play with it. Klysmaphilia, in fact, often seems to be the opposite of copraphilia: the whole idea is to get rid of the fecal matter, either because the "klysmos" don't want it to get in the way of anal sex or simply because they're cleanliness freaks. As Mae West (a well-documented klysmaphiliac, among others, including Marilyn Monroe and Princess Diana) once said in a Playboy Interview, "I take two enemas a day, every day, and I smell just as sweet at BOTH ends, honey".
Now, perhaps that's overdoing it just a bit! But, while I'm neither as blatant as Mae, nor do I use enemas that much, I'm a just a bit like her in that I'm a cleanliness freak. "Anal-retentive" is the term lots of people use to describe neatness freaks, but I'm not quite sure how that would apply to a klysmaphiliac (chuckle). I sometimes shower two or three times a day, I'm an immaculate housekeeper and I can't stand anything being in disarray - I'm downright neurotic about having everything in my life "well-ordered". If something's broken around the house, I fix it immediately. My cars, my Harley and my airplanes all run perfectly. The cat's litter pan is immaculate. Even the woodpile outside the house is neatly stacked!
6. Given all the types of sexual fetishes such as S&M, B&D, D&S and so on, klysmaphilia is probably the mildest, in terms of chances of causing pain or doing bodily or emotional harm. In fact, the medical and psychological community is mostly in agreement that, "If you gotta have a fetish, this one's at least one which involves doing something which is generally good for the body in terms of one's overall health".
Indeed, my ex was into enemas solely for reasons of health, but her additional reasoning was, "Hey, if he gets off on giving them to me, that's fine, too". She claimed that, after my giving her an enema, my erection was stronger and larger and that I made love to her much better than without our having done that first. Also, most medical people agree that, as long as extremely large or multiple enemas aren't taken more often than, say, twice a week, there's no danger of becoming dependent on them for normal bowel evacuation and there's every reason to believe that a lot of good is being done for the body through their use, especially given the toxins we can't help ingesting as part of our normal diet, through the air we breathe and through the water we drink in this day and age.
In fact, my physician, who knows about my fetish, said it is quite unusual for a klysmaphiliac ever to contract colon cancer, which I did six years ago. The only thing he can credit is that I'm genetically predisposed to it, there having been a long history of it in my family. (I'm now in full remission, by the way, owing more to cleansing enemas and herbal therapy than to anything the physician did. He described my remission as "miraculous".)
And, yes, I can and do "function normally" in bed, too. Klysmaphilia doesn't preclude the ability to have normal sex. But no klysmaphiliac can ever be totally satisfied through normal sex alone. Sooner or later, the enema bag must come out of the closet. I'm certain you can see why this reduces a klysmaphiliac's chances of finding the ideal mate or lover. Think how it would sound if you were a lady who'd been dating a guy, you'd finally got to the stage where some "bedroom activity" was desirable and you asked him if he'd like to make love and you got the reply, "Well, sure, but I'd really like to give you an enema, first". Of course, imagine my surprise when, now and then, a woman says, "Sure! Why not? Sounds like fun to me!"
For those of you who are simply reading this out of idle curiosity and who may have come to dislike enemas for one reason or another, a word of advice: what klysmaphiliacs do together for sexual pleasure bears no resemblence to any uncomfortable "treatments" you may have had in a hospital or clinic, nor is it even quite like the generic "home enema", either. The purpose of hospital enemas is to clean the patient out as rapidly and efficiently as possible. It's done for the ease and convenience of the medical personnel, not for the patient's comfort. What klysmaphiliacs do with each other is often as different from that sort of treatment as night is from day, involving somewhat different equipment and totally different techniques. And, since it is done for purposes of pleasure, a much gentler, more-loving style pervades the entire act.
Speaking objectively, the types of enemas klysmaphiliacs use are different enough from what most people have experienced that, if you've never tried one, you might want, at least once in your life, to experience the very different type of enema klysmaphiliacs enjoy. If you continue to dislike enemas after the experience, at least you'll then know you aren't the least bit anally-erotic. But, if you suddenly find yourself enjoying something new, you've done yourself a favor.
One last thing....since I'm not alone in my desire to watch women get enemas, you can probably easily see how I turned my own sexual fetish into a "profitable hobby" by making enema videos.
Now, once again, let me stress that nothing I've written here is universal among all klysmaphiliacs. Every individual is different. Some like to give enemas, but not to get them; some are the opposite. Some are, indeed, also copraphiliacs and they even enjoy "brown showers". Everything I've written here is simply a generality I've gleaned from years and years of my own private (and very informal) research. The one thing all klysmaphiliacs share is a love for enemas in one manner or another and that's what brings us all together.
If you have something to add to this little dissertation of mine, please feel free to email it to me. I'm always glad to hear of your experiences, stories or theories!
References: Klismaphilia - Part 1 (Actual Case Studies) - Dr. Joanne D. Denko, MD: "Enema as a Sexual Prefrence"
Klismaphilia - Part 2 (Actual Case Studies) - Dr. Joanne D. Denko, MD: "Amplification of the Erotic Enema Deviance"
If you still find all of this a total turn-off, allow me to leave you with a thought, which I'll express in two different ways:
Whether you're a Christian or not (and I'm not - I'm just an old Irish Pagan) I'm certain you'll agree that Christ was probably the greatest teacher ever to walk the earth. And one of the things he taught best was tolerance for others' beliefs, their behaviour and their lifestyles. He was so open-minded, he even ran around with prostitutes! So, whether you like enemas or not, take a lesson from Christ and practice tolerance for those of us who are into that activity.
Or, to put it a bit differently,
"Everyone to their own tastes", said the old lady as she kissed the cow.
©2005 The Collector