Listening In.
My Mom was very anti-enema, at least when it came to males. It was just two of us, my younger brother and I, and Mom would never even consider giving us enemas.
I did discover, however, that she was not so strongly against them for girls!!
Once, during a summer heat wave, she did not even realize I was in the house. She thought I was over at a neighbor's house, which I frequented. I was about 8 or 9.
I was already playing around with electronics, especially radios, but I had taken an interest in telephones as well. This was at the height of the Bell System monopoly, when they still owned all legal phone equipment. Provided, of course, that you lived in a Bell System covered area. There were a number of "independent" phone companies, even then, and they served much of the south and mid-west. We were in an area served by one of those independents, and so they were several years behind the Bell System with their technology. There was, however, a way to hook up a portable tape recorder, and get it to "feed " into the phone line without the distortion of it's own speaker. This method was used frequently by radio stations at the time, and they always got away with it. Being the cleaver type I was, I figured out not only how to do that, but that it was not really any harder to turn things around and make both sides of a phone conversation come out the tape recorder's speaker, and in fact, by simply turning the tape recorder to “record,” tape the phone conversation. You had to go around the outside to get from the storage room into the house, no door through to the laundry room!! This was just too tempting!!
The connection block (This was before the legally-required NID!) was on the wall on the outside of the Storage Room that was attached to the back of the house. The wires went right into the storage room, where there was no drywall, just bare studs. My father, annoyed by the fact that there was no electrical outlet in that storeroom, had put in one of those screw-in socket adapters with the plug just above it. There was an indoor extension cord stored there, and I put it to use. The flat, 2-conductor wire from the pole came into the connector block and the 4-conductor round, “indoor” cable came right off there and through the wall. The drill hole was easily big enough to pas another pair of 24 gage wires through right into the connector block I was in the storage room attached to the back of the house, playing with my tape recorder. I had figured out how to record phone conversations (This was before the Watergate-Era laws made most telephone tapping illegal) I ran a couple of wires from the connection block and got a dial tone. I was playing around one day, and trying to figure out all of the combinations. Almost immediately, the phone rang. Fortunately, I was not touching the bare wires at that moment. I would have gotten zapped for sure! But I sat listening intently. Mom answered. I set the machine in the “on” setting, so I could hear both sides through the speaker. Set the volume high enough that I could hear, but not loud enough to produce an echo two rooms and very little thermal insulation away! I did not turn the machine to record. It was the Mom of that cute girl who lived a block down the street, and whom I already had my eye on at school. She was about my age, but already in her pre-puberty growth spurt and was taller than me. The conversation began with basic "girl talk" between my Mom and the other Mom. Surprisingly fast, though, it turned to the daughter's bowels, and by then I was starting to get interested. Over the next two hours, my Mom walked the other Mom through giving her daughter a series of 2 qt soapsuds enemas!! First, the other Mom explained that she had a phone speaker set up where she could hear it while she was giving her daughter the enemas. Her husband worked with communications somehow, so they had every gadget imaginable then, and I was trying to get to know the Dad for that reason as much as for the fact that his daughter was a babe! The mom had a sleep sofa in the den, which was a good distance from the bathroom. She closed the curtains in the den, and unfolded the sofa. The girl was placed in the left-side position. The descriptions over the phone were surprisingly graphic, and I was doing a "mental picture” of everything. I could even here the daughter whimper a few times. After the third enema, my mother got curious about where I was, she could see my brother out the window, but I was nowhere to be seen. She told the other Mom that she would have to keep repeating the same procedure until the daughter got to a clear return, then give her 3 teaspoons of Milk Of Magnesia, "To get her back in rhythm" and she hung up to come looking for me. Fortunately for me, I had not taped any of this, I was too scared, so it was just a question of yanking the wires out, rolling them up and being able to walk away looking totally innocent. It was, however a day when I grew up a lot!!
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