Alexandra's Birthdayby "D"This story includes situations of an adult nature that may not be appropriate for all readers. This story is fiction and is provided as entertainment only. Please do not regard the events in this story as endorsements, recommendations, or as descriptions of safe or harmless practices. The author shall not be responsible for damage or injury to anyone emulating the fictional behavior of fictional characters in this story. The characters in this story are fictional -- they exist only in the imagination of the author. Any resemblence to real persons, living or dead, is coincidence and strictly in the mind of the beholder. For more works by the author visit K-Files Home. Synopsis: Since seventh grade, Alexandra has been sneaking enemas behind her mother's back. She doesn't realize her mother, a nurse and enema lover herself, is wise to her. Now it's Alexandra's sixteenth birthday and her mother has planned quite a surprise.
She turned on the radio, a Bakelite box once white but now turning yellow with age. Its dial was permanently tuned to AM 1520 -- WXNT, the local Top-40 station. It required half a minute for its tubes to heat up before the strains of "Incense and Peppermints" came from its speaker. Alexandra hummed along as she pulled a black, plastic headband from her light brown hair and fastened it in a ponytail with a rubber band. Then she took a birthday card from inside the cover of a textbook. "Happy Sweet Sixteen," it read and was signed by Muriel, her best friend in school. She set the card on her dresser, opened a drawer, took two sticks of Juicy Fruit gum from a pack and popped them into her mouth. She flopped on her bed with her textbook for some assigned reading. The sound of tires on gravel alerted her that her mother was home. She looked out her window to see the powder blue, 1959 Rambler American two-door parked outside the detached garage behind the house. Alexandra watched her mom pull open the garage door, then climb back into the car and park it. She bounded down the stairs and met her mother coming in the kitchen door. "Happy birthday, Lexie," her mother said. She stepped out of the kitchen and returned with a flat, square package wrapped in colorful paper. Alexandra ripped off the paper. "The new Donovan album! But, Mom -- I thought you hated Donovan." "You're the one listening to him - - not me." "But you hate it when I play my albums." Her mother gestured toward a large package on the table in the dining room. Alexandra pulled off the wrapping paper. "A record player! Thanks, Mom." She gave her mother a hug. "Muriel was wondering what I'd get for my birthday. She figured it would be clothes." "I, for one, am happy you're not a clothes-horse like Muriel. You're content wearing a pair of cut- off jeans." Her mother donned an apron and took a saucepan from a cabinet. "There's some time before dinner, Lexie." "I'll be in my room." Alexandra lugged the record player to her room. She rearranged the top of her dresser and set the player on its top. Then, she bounded downstairs again and rounded up her collection of albums and carried them to her room. She ripped the cellophane from the new Donovan LP, turned on the record player and set the needle in the groove. Alexandra dried and stacked the dishes her mother handed her. She handed her mother the dishtowel, which she used to mop the counter top. "Did you enjoy your birthday dinner?" her mother asked. "Yes -- very much. Thanks, Mom. Thanks for everything." "I love you, Lexie." "I know you do, Mom. I love you, too." "Before you go upstairs -- I have one more package for you to unwrap." Alexandra sat at the kitchen dinette. Overhead, a ceiling fixture with concentric, circular fluorescent tubes hummed softly. Her mother handed her another wrapped package. She ripped off the paper and stared in disbelief. It was a brand-new, Faultless combo hot water bottle/fountain syringe. It could mean only one thing -- her mother knew. Despite all her cautions, her mother KNEW! Alexandra attempted to present a face of bewilderment. Inside, she felt as if she had been caught red- handed, and she didn't know how to deny it. Her cheeks were getting warm and the small of her back was becoming damp. "Wh ... why ... why would you think I'd want this?" she stammered. "Lexie -- I know you've been using mine behind my back." "No ... no I never..." "Don't lie to me, Alexandra," her mother retorted. "Even a rotten parent knows when her child is lying to her." Now, Alexandra was blushing beet red. She closed her eyes and conjured tears. "You're doing this to humiliate me! On my birthday! How can you be so cruel?" Her mother sat beside her and stroked her forearm. "Lexie, honey -- it's all right. I understand. I think it's better if you and I each have our own equipment." Alexandra wiped tears from her face. "It's all right? It's all right with you?" Her mother smiled and patted the back of her hand. "It's probably something I passed on to you. I was doing the same thing at your age." "You were?" Her mother stifled a laugh. "You know, I think it's amusing when young people discover something and think they're the first ones to come up with it. It's the same with sex -- teenagers experience sex and behave as if they've made some monumental, breakthrough discovery." "How did you know..." "I had my suspicions. When I'd come home from the hospital, I'd check my syringe and saw it had traces of dampness." "I thought I was being so careful," Alexandra replied. "Do you really think it's all right?" "Lexie -- I'm much happier at work thinking you're in your room giving yourself enemas..." "Well -- lying on the bathroom floor, actually," Alexandra interjected shyly. "...rather that than running around with a bad crowd ... drinking ... getting killed in a car wreck. When I was your age, I lost my best friend that way." "Oh, Mom..." "Or, fooling around and getting pregnant. Something like that could destroy your prospects, Lexie." "Mom -- don't you think I'm smarter than that?" "You're a smart girl, Lexie -- but you're also a teenager and teens think they're invincible. They can't even imagine anything bad can happen to them. I was a teen once, and not all that long ago, really. I remember what it was like." The teakettle whistled and her mother poured hot water into two cups. She dropped in tea bags and set one before her daughter. "Are we having tea time?" Alexandra asked. "The only time we have tea is when you give me a scolding." "I'm not going to scold you, Lexie. I just want us to talk." Alexandra stared at her cup and poked at her tea bag with a spoon. "Well, Mom?" "How long have you been doing this?" Alexandra stared at her cup. "Alexandra?" "Since seventh grade I think." "What made you start?" Alexandra kept staring at her cup. "Lexie, I'm just curious. I'm comparing notes against my own experience." "I don't know. It just happened." "Do you mean, an impulse?" "Yeah -- that's it. You were at work and I saw the bag hanging behind the bathroom door. I remember when I was little and had an upset stomach you'd give me enemas. I remember what they felt like -- the water flowing in... It felt like a cool spray deep inside my bottom. And, I remember what it felt like to push it out again." "Did you enjoy them then? It seems to me whenever it was time for one, you complained." "I liked knowing you were concerned for me ... and knowing you were helping me get better..." She gave a shy smile. "And, I liked having a day off from school." "When I was your age, enemas were part of life. Your grandmother gave them to me on a regular basis -- whether I needed one or not. She did until I was old enough to give them to myself. She thought that bathing your insides was as important as washing your hide." "I think I must've been about ten when you gave me my last one," Alexandra said. "Why did you stop?" "You were approaching puberty. Your father didn't think it was appropriate. I suppose there's a school of thought that it isn't... Besides, you stopped getting stomachaches. I can't remember the last time you were sick" "I think I was in sixth grade," Alexandra replied. "Maybe all your enemas have kept you healthy." "Do you think so?" "Anything's possible. Your grandma swore by them. The old enema bag hung, neglected, behind the bathroom door. After your father died, I got back into the habit..." "You didn't while Daddy was alive?" She shook her head. "No -- It was something I kept from him. He didn't grow up with them the way I did." Her mother sipped her tea. "Mom -- Why haven't you remarried?" "I haven't found the right man," she replied. "I haven't done much looking. Your dad's a tough guy to replace." "That's for sure," Alexandra replied. "You miss him, don't you?" Her daughter bit her lip and nodded. "So do I, Lexie -- in the worst way. Besides -- my priority right now is getting you launched. Bringing a new man into the house would upset things more than anything." "I suppose you're right." "Why haven't you found a boyfriend?" her mother asked. "You're a beautiful young lady." "Same reasons, I guess -- I haven't found the right one." "You're doing the right thing, staying focused on your future. Don't make the mistakes I made." "It turned out all right for you - - didn't it?" "Compared to what it might have been -- I suppose." "Mom -- This is different from most of our tea times. You're talking to me like I'm another adult -- not like I'm a little kid." "You're growing up, Lexie. You're no longer a child -- you're a lovely young woman. You'll always be my daughter ... but you'll never be a little girl again." She sipped more tea. "I began to suspect that I wasn't the only one using the old red bag." "When were you using it?" "On the days you were in school and I was off work," her mother replied. "So -- on weekends when you worked I was using it and on weekdays when you were off..." "That's right. It seemed to me it was seeing more wear and tear than I was giving it. Saturdays, when I knew it ought to be thoroughly dry I found evidence of dampness." "You've known for a while, then. I feel like a real idiot, Mom. Why'd you have to do this on my birthday?" "I wasn't sure how to broach the subject. You're growing up -- you won't be living here for too many more years. You know, Lexie -- if I hadn't been doing it too, I probably wouldn't have noticed." Her mother drained her teacup. She picked up the kettle from the stove and refilled her cup half way. "So, Lexie -- what do you like about enemas?" "I dunno -- I ... just ... like them." She picked up her cup and looked up at the ceiling. "I guess I really like feeling the water flowing deep into me. I like how I feel afterward." "Same here," her mother said. "I like feeling full and the relief from expelling it." "Yeah -- I like that, too." "You see? We do have a lot in common -- even if we don't like the same music." Her mother stroked Alexandra's cheek. "You look so much like I did when I was your age... Lexie, I know you've always been interested in the human body and health." She stepped from the table and returned with three thick volumes. "These are the textbooks I used when I was in training. Maybe you'd find them interesting." "Thanks, Mom. I have been thinking about becoming a nurse like you." "You have a couple of years before facing that decision, Lexie. I do think you'd make a good one. Did you know -- at the hospital my nickname is the bag lady?" Alexandra giggled. "Why do they call you that?" "Because I give the best enemas. If there's a patient having a particularly difficult time, they send me to handle it. Do you know why I give the best ones?" Alexandra shook her head. "Why? "It's because I know what my patient is feeling. I empathize. Of course, my colleagues don't know that -- they just know I get results." Her mother gulped the last of her tea. "Are you done, Lexie? I'll take your cup." Alexandra handed her cup and saucer to her mother. She picked up the box and examined it. "Go ahead and open it," her mother said. Alexandra used her thumbnail to break the cellophane tape sealing the box and lifted the cover. Inside was the red bag, a length of red rubber hose, a metal hose clamp, stopper, adapter and douche and enema pipes. Her mother picked up the enema nozzle. "They're making these out of plastic, now. The one upstairs has fittings made of hard rubber..." Her mother regarded her. "So, Lexie," she said cheerfully, "what do you say we take this upstairs and see how well it works?" "You want me to..." "No, Lexie. I'm thinking this might be my last opportunity to give my little girl..." "...a birthday enema," Alexandra chimed in. "That's right. I told you, I give the best. You can take it on your nice, soft bed instead of the cold, hard bathroom tile. It's a luxury having someone administer it to you." Alexandra regarded her mother for a long moment and shrugged her shoulders. "Sure. Why not?" Her mother picked up the box. "I'll start the preparations. You go get into your nightie." Alexandra undressed and slipped into a cotton nightgown that came halfway to her knees. She found her mother in the bathroom, running water to warm it up. "Do you usually put anything in the water?" her mother asked. "No -- just plain water. I remember you used to use some baking soda." "Baking soda is soothing to the colon. The old hospital stand-by is castile soap. Personally, I think it's a little harsh -- I never use a full measure, either for myself or for my patients. It's good once in a while -- it gives the enema a little kick. Tonight we'll use some salt and soda. That's my favorite mix -- it makes the enema just a bit more purgative than tap water without being too irritating. How much do you usually take?" "Two quarts," Alexandra replied, "...for the first one. Then I take another that's bigger. That's why I like the old open-top bag - - I can pour more in." "That is a convenience," her mother agreed. "On the other hand, you can set down the closed- top ones without them spilling." Her mother tested the temperature of the water on her wrist. She measured two tablespoons of baking soda and two teaspoons of table salt into the bag. Then she filled a two-quart pitcher from the tap and poured it in. On went the adapter cap, the hose and clamp and the nozzle. She rocked the bag to distribute the salts and then held it up and snapped open the clamp to flush air from the hose. "Grab a towel, Lexie, and follow me." She led Alexandra into her room. "Spread the towel on the bed." Alexandra complied, then sat on the edge of the bed. Her mother sat beside her with the full enema bag on her lap. "Golly, this brings back memories," her mother said. "I remember when you were four or five and only giving you a pint. Do you remember our procedure?" "I think so..." Alexandra lay on the towel. She lifted her hips from the bed, reached under her hem and pulled down her briefs. "You might as well take those off, Lexie," her mother said. Alexandra flung them on the floor. "Okay -- left side..." She lifted Alexandra's hem. "My, you've developed a cute little bottom," her mother remarked. Alexandra felt her mother's fingers spreading her buttocks. She felt a blob of Vaseline being applied to her anus and her mother's finger working it in past her sphincter. Then, she felt her mother slide the nozzle into her. Alexandra looked up at her as she held up the bag and snapped open the clamp. Alexandra felt the familiar sensation as the water began filling her rectum -- a cool squirt deep in her bottom. As the water flowed, warmer water replaced what had lost its heat in the hose. Her mother had made the enema a couple of degrees cooler than body temperature, and Alexandra could feel the coolness moving up her left side. She watched as her mother pinched and released the hose. "I do this with all my patients," she explained. "Your lower colon has more kinks and folds than further up. Admitting the water slowly allows them to relax and open without cramping. Lexie, honey -- take long, slow breaths. That'll keep the muscles in your abdomen moving and help distribute the enema." Alexandra complied, filling her lungs and exhaling slowly through her nose. "Does that help?" her mother asked. "Yeah..." Alexandra could feel coolness flowing inside the left side of her belly. "I feel tightness; then when I breathe in, it relaxes and flows in further." Her mother clamped the hose. "Okay, Lexie -- we're down a third. That should pretty much fill your descending colon, up to here." Her mother pointed to her left ribcage. "Roll onto your back and get comfy." Alexandra rolled over and stretched out her legs. Her mother held up the bag and snapped open the clamp again. "More deep breathing, Lexie." She could feel the water crossing her belly under her ribcage; as well as a mild sense of fullness. Her mother had stopped pinching the hose and the water was flowing freely. Alexandra's made eye contact with her mother and she smiled. "Okay -- onto your right side to fill your ascending colon," her mother coached. She snapped off the clamp while Alexandra rolled into position; then snapped it open again. "How does this compare to what you usually do?" she asked. "I usually make them a little warmer," Alexandra replied. "I take them on my back ... mostly. Also -- I don't go as slow at first -- sometimes it does get crampy, though. This has gone real easy." "I told you I give good ones. When correctly administered, an enema shouldn't produce any discomfort at all ... not counting the fullness. That's the whole point of it... Okay, Lexie -- you're done." She reached under her nightgown and retrieved the nozzle. "Roll on your back and hold it." Her mother carried the empty apparatus from the bedroom and then returned. She sat on the bed and caressed Alexandra's shin. "Gee... The last time I gave you one of these your legs were so spindly with knobby knees. They've really filled out -- they look great in shorts and I think you know it." "Oh, Mom..." Her mother ran her hand along the underside of Alexandra's calf, up to her knee. "You were such a gawky pre-teen ... then you blossomed overnight." Her mother smiled at her. "How are you doing?" "Okay." "Feeling full?" "Yeah ... about the usual." "Getting urges to expel?" "Not strong ones -- yet." "The longer you can hold it the better." Her mother gently palpitated Alexandra's abdomen through the fabric of her nightgown. "You are full -- pretty impressive for someone as slim as you. You say you take more?" "As a second or third one, yes." She felt a cramp forming, closed her eyes and bit her lip. Her mother continued to manipulate her belly. "What I do is to fill the bag and have a pitcher with more water handy. When it's empty I get up, pour it in and take as much more as I can." She felt another cramp and grimaced again. "It's an inconvenience to have to stop and get up," her mother said. "At the hospital we have these stainless cans that'll hold three or more quarts. There really isn't any way I could bring one of those home." Another cramp started building -- a strong one. Alexandra clenched her teeth and grunted as it peaked. A gurgle came from her belly. "I think you can go, Lexie," her mother said. Alexandra swung her feet to the floor and trotted to the bathroom. She lifted the cover to the toilet seat, hiked up her gown and sat. She tensed the muscles in her belly, relaxed her sphincter and began pushing out the enema. She bore down, then rested until more had moved low enough in her colon to expel. Her belly was feeling less and less bloated as she pushed out the water. An indistinct cramping sensation formed in her stomach. She folded her arms across her abdomen and bent over. The cramping turned into mild nausea, and then she felt a large bolus of water forming low on her left side. She bore down again and out came more enema water, now mixed with rancid-smelling mud from high in her colon. She wiped some perspiration from her brow. The crampy discomfort had dissipated and she was fairly certain she had passed most of the enema. She sat for a few more minutes to be sure before cleaning herself and flushing. Alexandra found her mother in the bathroom running more water. "Everything come out okay?" she asked her daughter. "Yes -- it felt good." "Let me show you a little trick," she said. "I'm going to show you how to put three quarts of water into a two quart bag. We'll use plain tap water this time." Her mother filled the two-quart pitcher and poured it into the reservoir. Then she filled the measure again to the one-quart mark and set it near the sink. She fitted the cap and hose onto the bag, held the end of the hose in the pitcher, opened the clamp and squeezed the pouch as if it were a bagpipes. Air bubbled into the pitcher. Then, keeping the hose under water, she set the bag on the floor. Alexandra watched as the water in the pitcher siphoned into the bag, which became bloated with the extra volume. When the pitcher was empty she snapped shut the clamp and picked up the bulging bag. "I'll show you something else," she said and displayed a device the size of a Bic pen and with two barbed fittings on the end. "This is a retention nozzle," she explained. "The enema hose connects here." She attached the hose and picked up a squeeze bulb with a short length of hose attached. "This goes on the other." She squeezed the bulb and a section of the nozzle began to inflate. "We put this inside and blow up the balloon. This keeps the nozzle from slipping out -- or, from being pushed out. We use these with patients who need to retain an enema when it might be difficult for them to on their own." "Why would they need to do that?" Alexandra asked. "One example is a barium enema for an x-ray. We need to fill the colon in order to see it on the film. Or, in a dual-contrast study, we fill the colon, drain it -- which leaves a barium coating on the inside -- and then inflate it with air. If you like taking large volumes and want an easy way to hold it -- this is the nozzle for you. Care to give this a try?" Alexandra regarded the nozzle. "Does it hurt?" "No. It feels a little odd at first, but you'll get used to it. " "Okay..." Her mother picked up the swollen bag. "We have to be a bit careful with this," she said. "If the hose pops off we'll have a mess... Okay, Lexie -- on your left side again." Alexandra lay on her side and drew up her knees. Her mother lifted her hem again. "This is surgical lube I'm using," her mother explained. "It might feel a bit different. This is made of natural rubber and Vaseline would attack it." She felt a cold blob on her anus and her mother's finger working it in. "Just relax, Lexie. I'm putting the tip in, now." She felt the nozzle slip past her sphincter. Her mother rocked and rotated the tip until the inflatable portion was inside. "I'm going to pump up the balloon," her mother said and began squeezing the bulb. "Oh, my God!" Alexandra exclaimed. "Quite a sensation, isn't it?" "It feels like I have a piece of ... turd in my bottom that won't come out." Her mother tugged on the nozzle. "And, it won't. With one of these in you, you don't need to worry about holding anything back -- just relax and enjoy it. Here comes the water." Alexandra watched as her mother held up the bag and snapped open the clamp. "Tell me if you have any cramping, Lexie. Otherwise I won't bother to pinch the hose this time. Your colon ought to be empty and distended. It should fill easily this time." She felt a cool rush deep inside; then the water became warm. She could feel the flow, less distinctly than the first time. A feeling of warmth began to pervade her abdomen. "You made it warmer, didn't you? It feels warmer than I make them." "Yes," her mother replied. "This is how I like them." "The warmth feels really good, Mom." "Because overfilling the bag stretched the rubber, that gives it a bit of a boost at the beginning." "Yeah -- I felt that, too." "Do you know what else feels really good?" her mother asked. "What?" "Taking a warm, high-volume enema while you're soaking in the bathtub. Draw a deep, warm bath ... maybe put in some bubble soap. Get in the tub and slide down on your back and then fill your belly with warm water. The bath supports your abdomen, and you feel warm both inside and out..." "It sounds like it would be good on a cold day." "Oh, it is..." Her mother felt the bag and stopped the flow. "Okay -- roll onto your back and say when." Alexandra rolled over, plumped the pillow under her head and stretched her legs. "Okay, Mom." Her mother snapped open the clamp. "Starting to feel full, yet?" "A little." "You've got about another quart to go." "Feeling full, now." Her mother closed the clamp. "Okay, now your right side. I'll give you a chance to rest." Alexandra rolled onto her right side. "Is your belly beginning to swell up?" She ran her hand along her stomach. "A little." "I'm going to start the flow. Tell me if you feel like you're going to pop." Alexandra heard the clamp snap open and felt the pressure building in her belly. "Stop," she said. "Is this how much you usually take?" her mother asked. "Yeah..." "It feels like you have a little less than a pint left. I'll give you a chance to rest. We'll take it slow from here." Her mother clicked open the clamp, let some flow and then snapped it shut. "How are you doing?" "Really, really full," Alexandra replied. "A good enema should hurt so good," her mother replied. "You've got about a cup to go." She opened the clamp and pinched the hose, administering short bursts. "Going ... going ... gone! Good job, Lexie -- you took it all!" "I am so full," she replied. "Let's see how long you can hold it. Fifteen minutes would be good." "Fifteen?" "You can roll onto your back." "I think I'd rather stay like this." She felt her mother's hands exploring her belly through her nightgown. "Yes -- you are definitely one full girl. I'll bet your belly looks like you're four months pregnant." Alexandra ran her hand along her abdomen. "It's huge." She patted her stomach. "Huge..." "It'll feel really good pushing it out, too," her mother said. "Any cramping?" "Not yet -- I think I'm too full for cramps. How long has it been?" Her mother checked her watch. "I'd say about three minutes." "Three?" "You're doing great, Lexie." "Ohhhh... I don't think I've ever been this full..." Alexandra rolled onto her back and pressed her palms against her abdomen. "Oh, God, Mom... How long now?" "Five minutes." "Oh, my goodness... Mom... MOM!" "What?" "I think I AM too full. I feel like I might throw up." "We probably shouldn't have given you this much so soon after dinner," her mother replied. "You know your stomach and colon lie next to each other. Your stomach is probably too full of cake and ice cream..." "Can I please go?" "Certainly, Lexie." "How do we take this thing out?" "You should take it out while sitting on the toilet." Her mother disconnected the empty bag and handed Alexandra the hose and bulb. "You take this." She gave her daughter a hand as she waddled to the bathroom. "Look at yourself in the mirror, Lexie." "I just wanna go..." "Sit. I'll release the bulb. Once the balloon is deflated, just give the hose a tug and bear down." Alexandra heard the air hissing from the bulb and she could feel the balloon in her rectum deflating. She tugged on the hose. The nozzle plopped into the bowl and the enema began pouring out of her like a torrent. She lifted her face. "Ohhh..." "Spread your legs, Lexie..." Her mother retrieved the nozzle from the bowl and began washing it in the sink. "Sounds like quite a gusher," she remarked. "Yeah -- it feels like half the water is coming out in one gush." "You know your colon is empty when it comes out like that. Are you feeling better?" "Yeah -- I can feel my stomach shrinking." She pushed out another long gush. "I'll go put this away," her mother said. "You won't want another, will you?" "No -- not after this." She held up the retention nozzle. "I keep this and its bulb in a shoebox on the high shelf in hall closet. Feel free to use it -- just remember to wash and dry it before putting it away." Her mother carried the hose and nozzle out of the bathroom. Alexandra folded her arms across her belly and leaned over. Another long gush came out. "How are you doing?" her mother called from the hallway. "My stomach's back to its normal size," she replied. "Are you still feeling sick?" "No -- that went away as soon as I started pushing it out." "When you're done, you'll be one cleaned-out young lady." Alexandra sat on the toilet until she felt sure the last of the enema had drained out of her. She reached for some toilet paper, dabbed herself and pressed the flush lever. "Mom?" she called. "I'm in the kitchen." She heard her mother's voice and headed downstairs. "Mom -- I'm done," Alexandra said as she stepped into the kitchen. Her mother was standing by the sink, barefoot and wearing only a man's dress shirt. "Mom -- isn't that one of Daddy's?" "Yeah -- I keep them out of nostalgia ... and they make good night gowns. How are you feeling?" "Really good. My tummy's empty and relaxed." "You'll sleep well. An enema before bedtime is relaxing." Her mother turned from the sink holding the old open-top syringe, bulging with water. She lifted it and snapped open the hose clamp to flush air from the hose. "I thought we weren't doing any more enemas," Alexandra protested. "This one's for me, Lexie. Yours looked so delicious it made me hungry for one." Alexandra made a shy smile. "And, you're going to administer it." "Me?" "Like I said, having someone administer is a luxury. Come on upstairs -- grab that pitcher and bring it with you." Alexandra picked up the measuring pitcher -- it held about a quart of water. She followed her mother into the master bedroom. She saw her mother had spread a towel on her bed. Standing beside the bed was an I.V. stand on casters. Her mother hung the bag from a hook. "This stand was being discarded at the hospital, so I brought it home. One of the hooks is broken, but it still works for this purpose. I keep it in the back of my closet." Her mother looked into Alexandra's face and smiled. "Lexie -- feel free to use it any time you want. It's much nicer taking an enema on a soft bed than the hard floor." Her mother pushed the stand into position. Then she lay on her bed, rolled onto her side and pulled up her knees. "Okay, Lexie - - there's some Vaseline on the chair." Alexandra set down the pitcher and picked up the jar of Vaseline. She approached her mother. "Don't be shy," her mother said. Alexandra lifted the tail of the shirt her mother was wearing. With her left hand she parted her mother's buttocks and regarded the delta of pigmented skin that held her anus. She bit her lip; then she scooped out a blob from the jar, touched it to the spot and worked it in, up to her first knuckle. She reached for the hose and began coating the black douche tip her mother had attached. "You use the big nozzle?" she asked and grabbed a tissue to wipe her finger. "The douche tip, yes. It goes in deeper and it's easier to hold onto." "I never tried it." Alexandra spread her mother's buttocks again and worked the nozzle in with a gentle, rotating motion. "That's good," her mother said. "If you know how to give yourself an enema -- you'll know how to give one to someone else." "How far?"
"All the way." Alexandra pushed the nozzle in up to its hilt. Her mother then stretched out her left leg while keeping her right knee bent. "Pinch and release the hose, Lexie," her mother coached, "give short squirts." Her daughter complied, pinching and releasing the hose. "It feels warm," Alexandra remarked. "I can feel it through the hose." "Yes -- I like them very warm." Her daughter continued to pinch and release the hose. "That's good... Okay, I'm over the hump. Just stop the clamp down one notch. I like a slower flow." Alexandra pressed on the clamp until it clicked. Her mother rolled onto her back and unbuttoned the shirt from the bottom, stopping at her sternum. She pulled it open and Alexandra looked at her mother's belly and luxurious pubic patch. Her mother stroked her abdomen. "Mmm... this feels really good... Lexie -- watch that bag. When it gets down to half, dump in the rest of that water." "Okay..." She watched her mother stroke her abdomen, then down her sides to her thighs. "Gosh, Mom -- you have a really good body for..." "For an old woman? Lexie -- I had you when I was nineteen. I'm only thirty-five. Some would say I'm in my prime. And, I take care of myself." She looked up at her daughter. "That's another reason why I'm happy you're not running around with boys. I know what it's like to be a teenaged mom." Her mother continued to stroke her belly. Alexandra regarded her, her eyes scanning down her mother's shapely legs and then back to her abdomen. "Watch that bag, Lexie." "Yeah -- right." "My belly's going to get big with this much water." Her mother began running her fingers along her labia, then she slipped one into her slit and began stroking. Her eyes met her daughter's. "You're not seeing anything new, Lexie, dear. I know you masturbate. Don't you deny it." She didn't dare deny it. It seemed her mother knew every little, private detail of her life. Alexandra stared at her mother, mouth agape. "Do you spy on me ... through the key-hole?" "I wash your sheets and nightgowns. I see the stains. When they're bloody I know you're having your period. When they're not I know you've been masturbating. Watch that bag, Lexie." Alexandra pinched the bag and poured in the water from the pitcher. Her mother continued stroking herself, then cupped her hand onto her chest and began stroking her nipple through the fabric of the shirt. "Mom -- why are you doing this?" "Because it feels good." Her mother's face relaxed and she closed her eyes halfway. Her lips parted and her breathing grew heavy. "I need this once in a while. I NEED it. Every woman needs something like this once in a while to stay healthy ... mentally, emotionally and physically." She moved her hand from her breast to her abdomen. "Can you start to see my belly getting bigger, Lexie?" "Yeah -- I think so..." Her mother rolled halfway onto her right side and worked her belly, all the while keeping a cadence stroking her slit. "Feel here," she said. Alexandra pressed her palm against the right side of her mother's belly. "Feel the fullness?" "Yeah..." "That's my cecum. It's getting full..." Her mother's breathing became panting. She returned to pinching her nipples, alternating from side to side. Alexandra could see them making bumps in the fabric. "How much is left in the bag?" "Almost gone -- about a quarter." "Open the clamp all the way then. When it's empty, close it again." Alexandra complied with her mother's request, and watched her roll flat onto her back again. She unbuttoned the remaining ones on the shirt and pulled it open to expose her breasts. Alexandra tried not to stare at them but her eye was drawn there. They were C-cup sized, quite firm and with round, deeply pigmented nipples and areolas. Her mother began pinching, rolling and tugging on her nipple. "Watch the bag, Lexie," she panted. Alexandra pinched the bag. It emptied and she closed the clamp. Her mother was now panting deeply. "Oh..." she moaned, lifted her knees and spread her thighs. "OHHH!" She stroked herself furiously, let out a long moan and lifted her shoulders. Alexandra saw her mother's belly jerk and her legs tremble, and she closed her eyes and grimaced. Her mother withdrew her hand from her mons and relaxed on the bed, still breathing heavily but regaining her breath. "Did you ... ever try anything like that?" she asked as she pulled the shirt closed and started buttoning the top buttons. "I ... I never put the two together," Alexandra replied. "The volume and pressure amplify the sensations." Her mother pressed both hands against her abdomen. "Feel now, Lexie..." She put her hands on her mother's belly and felt the firmness. "Can you feel the warmth coming through?" Alexandra rested her palms against the sides of her mother's abdomen. "Yeah -- I think I can." "Take out the nozzle, Lexie," her mother instructed. She bent her knees. Alexandra reached between them and retrieved the hose. Her mother swung her feet to the floor and stood. She pulled back the shirt to expose her distended belly -- it bulged from her sternum to her mons. "What do you think? That was a lot of water, wasn't it?" "Yeah -- a lot." "A lot for a first one. You know -- it is a luxury having someone help ... not having to get up -- that's a real mood-killer. Maybe it is time I invested in a closed-top one for myself. Now, if you'll excuse me -- this enema wants out in a bad way." Her mother headed toward the bathroom. "Don't bother clearing up anything in there -- I'll take care of it." "Okay, Mom. Are you doing another?" "No," she called from the bathroom. "I'm done for now." "Then, I'm going to bed." "I dare say we'll both sleep well tonight. Good night, Lexie." "G'night Mom." Alexandra headed to her bedroom. She turned down the blankets, climbed into bed, turned off the light and closed her eyes. Thoughts of the enemas swirled through her mind. Helping her mother had been an unanticipated thrill. She was accustomed to her own enemas arousing her. Seeing her mother with the hose between her legs, the nozzle in her rectum and her belly swelling; and watching her climax had made her powerfully aroused -- her clitoral shaft had become engorged and firm. Thinking about it was making it firmer -- almost uncomfortably so. She reached under her nightgown and felt the wetness between her thighs. Alexandra threw back the covers and climbed out of bed. She poked her head into the hallway. The bathroom door was still closed. She opened the hall closet, removed a hand towel and returned to her bedroom. Then, she pulled off her nightgown, spread the towel on the bed and lay on her back, the towel under her buttocks. Alexandra began stroking her own pubic patch -- it was nearly as luxurious as her mother's. Her clitoris was as hard as a pebble. She slipped her finger between her labia and dipped it into her own copious secretions. Some she transferred to her clit and began stroking it, her finger off to the side and the pad of her fingertip lightly brushing her sensitive glans. She placed her left hand on her chest and flicked her thumb back and forth across her nipple. It firmed under her touch. She stroked her areola and squeezed it. Her heart accelerated and her breathing grew deeper. Now, each of her strokes made her thighs jerk. She began panting, her mouth wide open. She shifted her finger so she was applying pressure directly onto her glans; and she concentrated, focusing on the tension building in her pelvis. By flexing the backs of her thighs and muscles in her pelvic floor she amplified the tension. Alexandra alternated squeezing her left and right breasts. She knew she was close. Her heart was racing and she was panting so hard she was almost gasping. Spreading her left hand wide she could stroke both her nipples simultaneously. Alexandra kept up the cadence on her clit. Then came release -- a surge of pleasure radiating from her vulva and filling her body; and muscles in her bottom throbbing, pumping orgasmic pleasure waves throughout her entire being. She closed her eyes and bit her lip to stifle crying out. "Mmmmmmm ... mmmmmmm ... mmmmmmm..." She swallowed her groans as her orgasm peaked. The throbbing was pumping something else, too; and she felt her juices oozing between her buttocks. She stopped stroking and gave her labia a slow massage. The spasms subsided and the waves faded. Alexandra let her body go limp for a moment, still breathing heavily through her mouth. Then, she used the towel to dab herself and held it between her legs. She hadn't realized until now how wet she got -- she'd have to use a towel from now on. But then, her mother would see the towels... Alexandra decided now wasn't the time to solve the problem. She drew up the bedcovers, rolled onto her side, hugged her pillow and closed her eyes. Her belly was empty, mellow and relaxed, and a gentle, warm throbbing deep in her pelvis lulled her. Her arms and legs made little, involuntary twitches as sleep spread over her. The school bus stopped at the corner. Alexandra climbed aboard and saw Muriel saving her a seat. She trotted down the aisle and sat beside her friend. "How was your birthday?" Muriel asked. "Pretty good." "You look happy -- what did you get?" "I got a Donovan album ... and a record player." "Awww... No new blouse? No sweater? No shoes?" "Nope." "Aren't you disappointed?" "Not at all. My mom says she's glad I'm not a clothes horse." Copyright (C) 2008 by the author. Redistribution in any form is strictly prohibited without the expressed, written consent by the author. 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©2012 by the writer and