
Tori can't stay away from The Collector's collection. This time, she decided to start off with an extremely rare 1960's vintage Davol Travelfold amber latex folding travel syringe. She filled it with two quarts of castile soap solution!


She stretched out on the bed and let it gush!


When it was empty and she was full, she decided to give everyone a look at what had been plugging her up. That is, if the soapsuds didn't obscure it.

We can't show expulsions here on the website, though. You have to prove you're of legal age and buy the video to see it. She got two trips to the bathtub out of the soapsuds.


As often happens, she still didn't feel like everything had come out, so she picked out a giant (3+ Quarts) amber latex syringe that's not even available in
America yet from The Collector's "Research and Development" shelf.


That bag amazed Tori by how much it could hold.


She looked to be in serious pain by the time she admitted defeat; there were, perhaps, two ounces of water left in the bag which simply wouldn't fit into Tori.

Tori Tori

Once again, Tori headed for the tub.


Time for something combining old red rubber and amber latex. A Davol Paris Fountain Syringe and an inflatable retention nozzle. Tori had experienced inflatable nozzles before, but she'd never before had the oppotrunity of adjusting the inflation level for her own pleasure.


Of course, she'd never tried to insert one of the wiggly things all by herself, either. Reminded us of the "greased piglet-catching contest" at the fair.


She finally got it in, started the flow, then gave the inflator bulb an exploratory squeeze. Her eyes lit up and we knew it would be fun to watch from there on.


And, of course, she carted the whole mess off to the potty before she deflated and uncorked.!


She liked the Paris, so decided to try the "combo syringe" version of the same name, this time forgoing the inflatatoy for a good old douche nozzle for some in/out action.


On her back.


This video is a must-have for all Tori fans, plus fans of soapsuds expulsions.

Time 1:13

Price: $60.00

©2003 The Collector